Suffolk Sexual Health Services

Suffolk Sexual Health Services are commissioned through pharmacy by Provide CIC. A list of the services that can be offered through Suffolk Pharmacies are listed below.

Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC): Free at point of collection is available to any female client aged 13 years or over;  PGDs for the service are embedded in the Pharm outcomes Template.

Chlamydia treatment: Free at point of collection. Chlamydia screening is a referral service to pharmacies available to any individual aged 13 years or over.

Chlamydia Screening: Free chlamydia screening is offered to young women aged 15 – 24 inclusive.

e C Card: Free Condom provision is available to those clients aged under 25 years who provide evidence that they are part of the scheme. If you could like to sign up to become an e C Card venue, please contact who will be able to send you all of the information required to join.

Pharmacies can see service spec, safeguarding referral information and the payments for each element of the service in the service spec (5.2) embedded in the PharmOutcomes template.

Commissioner Information & Contact Details

The current commissioned provider for Sexual Health Services is Provide.


Provide Care coordination centre contact:  or telephone: 0300 201310 20111

Sign Up Process

If you are interested in offering Sexual Health Services in your pharmacy, please contact Provide for details of how to sign up and contractual information.

Training Requirements

Please Note: it is an individual pharmacist’s responsibility to ensure that the Service Spec and PGDs in use are up to date and that the pharmacy is acting within their contract for sexual health services. The PGDs are valid until the dates stated on the documents and should not be used beyond those dates. All Pharmacists providing the service must have a valid DBS certificate and CPPE Declaration of competence. All details are embedded in the Pharmoutcomes template.

The training requirements are all listed in the service specification which is embedded in the PharmOutcomes template item (3.6).

Click here for Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) – Suffolk County Council

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