Sexual Health Services Norfolk

Pharmacies which have signed Lot 2a (National Chlamydia Screening Programme, C-Card and Emergency Hormonal Contraception) of the Primary Care Contract in Norfolk should offer the following free and confidential sexual health services:

C-Card (Condom Distribution) Scheme

C-Card 16-24 (Contractual)

  • Young people aged 16 to 24 (16+) are able to join the C-Card scheme without a consultation with a practitioner.
  • All young people aged 13 to 24 are able to collect packs of condoms/lube with a C-Card valid for their age.

C-Card 13-24: (Optional)

    • As above and including the following:
    • Young people aged under 16 (13 to 15) are able to join the C-Card scheme, following a short consultation with a trained practitioner who has a valid DBS certificate and a unique ID (PIN) number.

National Chlamydia Screening Programme (contractual)

  • All young people aged 16-24 can pick up a kit from the pharmacy counter or display in store.
  • All women any age is offered a kit within an EHC consultation.

Chlamydia Treatment (contractual)

  • Provide chlamydia treatment for young men and women aged 15 -24 years (index patient) and their sexual partners (free to end user) under PGD.

Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) (contractual)

  • Provide Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) for women any age under PGD.


  • iCaSH Norfolk, is a sexual health website for all.
  • Young people can use this website to check where they can: join the C-Card scheme, use their C-Card, source a chlamydia screening kit, with many of these places being pharmacies.
  • Pharmacies are encouraged to check that the information for their pharmacy on iCaSH Norfolk(under C-Card and Chlamydia screening sections) is accurate and up-to-date and inform iCaSH Norfolk of any changes required (see support and training section).
Commissioner Information & Contact Details


iCaSH Norfolk, 1a Oak Street, Norwich, NR3 3AE

Telephone: 01603 226666

Sign Up Process

If you are interested in offering Sexual Health Services in your pharmacy, please contact NCC Public Health for details of how to sign up and contractual information.

To be set up to provide the C-Card scheme and Chlamydia screening, once you are signed up to the contract, please contact iCaSH Norfolk 

Training Requirements & PGD's

Please Note: it is an individual pharmacist’s responsibility to ensure that the PGD in use is up to date and that the pharmacy is acting within their contract for sexual health services. The PGDs are valid until the dates stated on the documents and should not be used beyond those dates. If you are in any doubt about using a PGD correctly please contact Norfolk Public Health.

The current PGDs are available, along with guidance, via Pharm Outcomes.

NICE guidance

Pharmacies are routinely provided with support and good practice guidance (See resources section) to provide the above sexual health services. Training is a requirement to operate as a C–Card 13-24. Contact iCaSH Norfolk for more information.

Training is not required to operate as a C-Card 16-24 or to provide Chlamydia screening kits.

Training is also a requirement if your pharmacy is to supply EHC and Chlamydia treatment; CPPE provides a Sexual Health Distance Learning module and assessment as well as a PGD distance learning module.

Please ensure that you have a named safeguarding lead.

Click here for Norfolk’s Multidisciplinary Safeguarding Information

A copy of the Fraser Guidelines can also be saved and printed for use during consultation.

You may also wish to look at Spotting the Signs National Proforma as part of your CPD

Other Guidance & Useful Links


  • Signpost people to other sexual health services locally or nationally, as appropriate.

Service delivery is reported through PharmOutcomes.

Sexual health resources (C-Card condoms and lube, chlamydia testing kits and marketing) are ordered via PharmOutcomes (see resources section below).

DBS Checking

It is a requirement for all staff who conduct private consultations as part of the Sexual Health Service to ensure that they have a valid DBS check in place. This includes joining up a 13-15 year old to the C-Card Scheme, chlamydia treatment, Emergency Hormonal Contraception and other necessary conversations in the consulting room regarding the primary care service but does NOT apply to joining up 16-24 year olds who want a C-Card Lite, or to any C-Card holder collecting condoms from the counter.

Staff can obtain a DBS check through their company if procedures are already in place or through Norfolk County council by following the DBS for Pharmacies guidance issued by Public Health Norfolk. Please ensure that you have all the required documents before calling to arrange your appointment.

Staff who already have a valid DBS check in place should ensure that their employer confirms this in writing to

The employer must ensure that temporary or locum staff have a valid DBS check in place before conducting services under the sexual Health contract


Sexual health resources (C-Card condoms and lube, chlamydia testing kits and marketing) are ordered via PharmOutcomes and fulfilled by iCaSH Norfolk.

Leaflets and other promotional resources can also be ordered from the Health Information Leaflet Service.



Integrated Sexual Health and Contraceptive Services:

Non-iCaSH Leaflets and posters: