Smoking Cessation Norfolk

Specialist Smoking Cessation Service

The specialist advice and training in Norfolk is provided by Reed Wellbeing

The public can access all services in Norfolk by contacting Smokefree Norfolk, the specialist service will see patients who meet the CORE20+5 criteria and triage of patients who do not meet the criteria or wish to access other options, they also provide training to pharmacies and other advisors.

Commissioner Information & Contact Details

Telephone: 0800 085 4113

Sign Up Process

If you are interested in offering Stop Smoking services in your pharmacy, please contact NCC Public Health for details of how to sign up and contractual information.

Pharmacy (Level 2) Service

This service falls into two parts:

1) Level 2 Smoking Cessation Advice:

To provide this service you will need one or more members of staff trained to Level 2. You do not have to be a Pharmacist to access this training. Indeed the remuneration model is not based on pharmacist involvement. We see this as something interesting and developmental for a Pharmacy Assistant or Technician to become involved with.

The adviser will support their client in setting a quit date, choosing pharmacotherapy, if appropriate, and will then monitor and support them for up to 12 weeks.

Payment is made for achieving a registered “4-week quit” which must be submitted to your local service support team. Further contract details available from Public Health or CPN.

2) NRT Supply Voucher Direct from Pharmacies:

You must sign up to voucher dispensing with Norfolk Public Health to dispense NRT; this is available as a stand alone service if you are not a Pharmacy providing smoking cessation services.

NRT dispensing and payment should be claimed through PharmOutcomes at the time of dispensing.

All supplies must be made in line with the Norfolk NRT Protocol 2024

Guides to dispensing NRT using PharmOutcomes can be found here: Claiming for NRT Vouchers on PharmOutcomes

Contractual information, standard operating procedures and resources can also be on the Pharm Outcomes service pages.

Training Requirements

SmokeFree Norfolk (Reed Wellbeing) offer specialist training for healthcare professionals to enhance their skills in supporting patients to quit smoking. Our training programmes cover:

  • Brief Intervention Techniques: Effective methods for initiating conversations about smoking cessation.
  • Behavioural Support Strategies: Tools and techniques to help patients stay motivated and overcome challenges.

Pharmacotherapy Options: Guidance on the use of NRT, vapes and other medications to support quitting.

Training is currently being offered for the following:  

  • VBA – Very Brief Advice – Ask, Advise, Act Training – Very brief advice (VBA) can be carried out by anyone. It can take as little as 30 seconds and is known to be powerful when carried out by a health professional. Asking about smoking and being able to signpost a smoker to a local stop smoking service is recommended for all who are in contact with smokers through their work. You can access ane-learning online moduleavailable from NCSCT.
  • Level 2 – Stop Smoking Community Practitioner Training – This training is available to staff operating within GP practices, pharmacies, some other community settings. NCSCT Practitioner Training and assessment to be completed prior to attendance  NCSCT e-learning (evidence required).
  • Level 2 – Stop Smoking Community Practitioner Refresher – This training is available to staff who have previously completed the Level 2 Training and require their annual refresher.
  • Dates of upcoming training.

Please contact Kirsty Wiseman at SmokeFree Norfolk if you would like further details and to book.

Other Guidance & Useful Links

Other Guidance/ Useful Links

A list of recent communications that have been sent to all stakeholders about these changes can be found below.

Letter to stakeholders 15th March2024 – includes important information about the service, and FAQs

New Provider Referral Form