Sharps Waste (Norfolk Pharmacies)

Local Authority Commissioned Service for Norfolk Pharmacies

Although disposal of medicinal waste is part of a community pharmacy’s essential services, handling of sharps waste is not. This falls under local Authority contracting. To meet the public need for the disposal of sharps waste, which is required for the administration of medicines, the local authorities commission select pharmacies to meet this need.

Please contact us at for information on sharps waste commissioning.
Further information on Needle Exchange and Sharps disposal for harm reduction in substance misuse can be found here.
This information is intended for Community Pharmacies, members of the public should note: Please don’t place sharps in your rubbish or recycling bin as they’re extremely dangerous. Sharps include:

  • diabetic blood testing kits
  • insulin pen needles
  • syringe needles for medical injections

Please make sure you dispose of these responsibly. Ask your doctor for a sharps box, and take them to one of the sites listed for safe disposal.