Change of Hours Request (Core or Supplementary Hours)

Requests to change core or supplementary hours should be sent to NHS England using the following email address:

As stated on the CPE website:

“NHS England has overall responsibility for administering opening hours for pharmacies, since 2023 this responsibility has been delegated to the Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

A pharmacy normally has 40 core contractual hours (or 100 for those that have opened under the former exemption from the control of entry test), which cannot be amended without the consent of NHS England, together with supplementary hours, which are any the additional opening hours, which can be amended by the pharmacy subject to giving five weeks notice (or less if an ICB consents). A pharmacy may also have more than 40 core hours where it has made an application based on that higher number, and NHS England (or the ICB) agreed to that application, in this case, the pharmacy cannot amend these hours without the consent of the ICB.”