Supervised Consumption & Needle Exchange Norfolk
The current service model is designed to support all patients who access community pharmacies, under a Change, Grow, Live programme (CGL) for support with their recovery, rather than exclusively funding the supervision of medicines taken in the pharmacy.
Norfolk Alcohol and Drug Behaviour Change Services are contracted by Public Health Norfolk through Change Grow Live (CGL).
If you are interested in offering this service in your pharmacy, please contact NCC Public Health for details of how to sign up and contractual information.
CoreMAT Pharmacy Service – Video and explanation of the aims and components of the service, registration, recording doses, annual review and activity fees. PLEASE NOTE, click the speaker icon in the bottom right corner on the pages to hear the narration.
An update on progress, so far, was hosted and recorded in March 2024 and can be watched here: Change Grow Live: Core MAT Contractors Update meeting
Contractors should have received the latest Service Level Agreement (SLA) directly (for independent Contractors) or through their head office(CCA Contractors). Please ensure that you read the SLA carefully and respond to CGL. There are significant changes to the funding of this service, which requires some additional administration, but also a reduction in supervised consumption reporting. We recommend that you look out for training and update opportunities from CGL to support your team in implementing the new model.
A PharmOutcomes guide to the MAT core service is available here.
SLAs for Needle Exchange and Naloxone provision will follow, once agreed.
Needle Exchange
Because current coverage is already adequate, new participation may not be always approved – it will depend on current access. Please contact CPN if you would like to discuss.