NHS Health Checks Norfolk
The NHS Health Check service is offered in community participating pharmacies who are contracted with Norfolk County Council (NCC) under the Primary Care Contract for NHS Health Checks delivery.
The NHS Health Check is for adults in England between the ages of 40 and 74 and is a screening service designed to predict the 10-year risk of a patient developing heart disease so that they may be offered lifestyle advice and intervention where necessary.
NHS Health Checks are offered to Norfolk residents or those registered with a Norfolk GP.
Email: PHcontracts@norfolk.gov.uk
If you are interested in offering NHS Health Checks in your pharmacy, please contact NCC Public Health for details of how to sign up and contractual information.
Practitioners should hold the core competencies as per the NHS Health Check Competency Framework, and are strongly advised to complete the following training:
- Practitioners can see, and book, available NHS Health Check training, via: Norfolk | Smart Health Solutions
- Practitioners can complete the NHS HC online courses within the National Learning Hub, via: NHS Health Check – Training
- Practitioners can complete the NHS HC training video on the E-lfh, via: NHSE elfh Hub (e-lfh.org.uk)
The Norfolk NHS Health Check reporting template form is available on Pharm Outcomes and must be used to submit the health check and receive payment.
Contractual information, standard operating procedures and resources can also be found on the left-hand side of the Pharm Outcomes template form once you have logged in.
All patients should receive an NHS Health Check results card during their appointment. NHS HC results cards, posters and health leaflet can be ordered via: Health Information Leaflet Service (norfolkslivingwell.org.uk) or email marketing@norfolk.gov.uk for the NCC NHS HC toolkit (includes posters, display screen digital versions and leaflets).
Alcohol Screening
Many pharmacies already include alcohol advice in their Health Checks but this is officially part of the check. Please find attached the full Audit-C questions AUDIT-C and Full Audit Questions.
Dementia Screening
A requirement for the NHS Health check is to offer appropriate information on dementia to patients between 65 and 74 years of age.
The NHS Health Check dementia awareness training can be found here.
Reporting of NHS Health Check results is now through Pharm Outcomes a paper template version of the form can be found here, this must be entered on the online reporting system to receive payment. Contracts, resources and SOPs can also be found on the left hand side of the Pharm Outcomes online form once you have logged in.