Emergency Supply Service
The purpose of the Community Pharmacy Emergency Supply Service is to ensure that patients can access an urgent supply of their regular prescription medicines where they are unable to obtain a prescription before they need to take their next dose
In an emergency, a pharmacist can supply prescription only medicines (POMs) to a patient (who has previously been prescribed the requested POM) without a prescription, at the request of the patient. This transaction is governed by the Regulation 225 of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012
This service will allow the supply of a medicine at NHS expense where the pharmacist deems that the patient has immediate need for the medicine. This service does not extend existing or infer new powers of supply: that is to say if you could not make the supply under the regulations, you cannot make the supply under this service.
This service will be available to all patients registered with a GP within the UK. i.e., no geographical restriction in the UK.
The decision to supply (or not) rests solely with the Pharmacist. Likewise, the number of days’ treatment supplied is up to the Pharmacist. We would suggest that, when deciding quantity to be supplied that you consider the pressures on the GP system (and hence reasonable access for the patient) in the days following a Bank Holiday period. Whilst few may feel supplying the maximum 30 days is necessary, you may wish to consider if 7 or even 14 days’ supply is warranted. With the exception of schedule 4/5 CDs for these you can legally only do 5 day supply. Again, the final decision rests with the Pharmacist alone. We would urge you to remind yourself of the relevant legalities and guidance on Emergency Supplies and the sign-up process requires that you confirm understanding.
Emergency Supply Service Quick Guide
1) Log onto PharmOutcomes
2) Go to “Services” >“Out of Hours Emergency Supply”
3) From the links on the left, read the Emergency Supply Service Guidance and professional guidance carefully.
4) Type your name into the “Enroll Me” box & Choose “New Practitioner”
5) Enter your name and GPhC registration details, and confirm you have read the above information
6) Click “Enroll”
The service delivery template will then become available from the services tab (you may have to log out and then in again after enrollment).
To be eligible for this service the patient must consent to share information about the supply with their GP. This is clearly to highlight issues and potential abuse of the system. The system will send a notification electronically if an email address is available for the GP surgery otherwise you should print off the GP notification via PharmOutcomes and send off by traditional means.
An exemption declaration can be found here: exemption form and also on the left side of the PharmOutcomes form.
We would urge you to log supplies on the system at the time of supply or very soon afterwards. Those familiar with the system will know that once activity is logged there is no further action needed to make a claim. Claims and amounts can be viewed on Pharmoutcomes.
If you have any queries about this service, please contact Community Pharmacy Norfolk for help: info@norfolkpharmacies.co.uk
An invoice will be automatically generated at the end of each calendar month.
Your payments will appear as LS9 on your statement from the Business Service Authority.