Flu Vaccinations – continue vaccinating until 31 March 2025
As you may be aware, there are currently a high number of cases of influenza nationally, and in the East of England region. This is contributing to extremely high pressure on healthcare services.
The flu vaccination continues to be available to eligible groups until 31 March 2025. Given the high levels of circulating flu, it is even more important for eligible individuals to get vaccinated.
We know your service will also be tackling winter pressures. However, in order to prevent further escalation of influenza cases and a second seasonal peak, please continue to actively offer and promote flu vaccinations to:
- Pregnant women
- Those aged 65 and over
- Those aged 18 to 65 in clinical risk groups
- Carers
- Close contacts of immunosuppressed individuals.
Members of these groups may also seek vaccination given the prominence in the news and other media.
There remain adequate stocks of flu vaccine across all manufacturers, and these can be ordered in the normal way. Please check the guidance on which vaccine should be offered to which cohort Flu vaccination programme 2024 to 2025: information for healthcare practitioners – GOV.UK
Providers needing more flu vaccines for their 65+ cohort should firstly contact Sanofi to order QIV-HD: please call Customer Services: 0800 854430, Charlie Hall: 07919 165215 or Beth Orpin: 07891 060893.
To order more QIVc please contact Seqirus via their online portal CSL Seqirus Influenza Vaccine Solutions | flu360 GB Orders are being delivered within 48-72 hours.
The national booking system has now closed, but if you have flu vaccinations available, please ensure this is advertised on your website and on your premises. Community pharmacy sites should also confirm that they are providing walk-in services on the NHS Pharmacy Finder using Profile Manager (or as agreed with your head office). For help email nhswebsite.servicedesk@nhs.net.